Business Binder - My.Tupperware (2025)

My.Tupperware Overview

A My.Tupperware web account is available to all Tupperware Consultants and is a necessary part of your Tupperware business. In your account, you'll find online business-building tools plus the latest product, promotional and training information. You have your choice of three different My.Tupperware account types:

• My.Tupperware Starter

• My.Tupperware Plus ($ 7.95)

• My.Tupperware Gold ($ 15.95)

After you review the benefits each account has to offer, you'll find instructions here for activating your account and an informative overview of the resources that you can tap within

My.Tupperware Starter
A My.Tupperware Starter account is available free of charge to all active Consultants. We encourage all Consultants to activate at least a My.Tupperware Starter account to have access to the following features:

• Information on Tupperware's consumer, Host and sales force offers and upcoming events

• Up-to-the minute business information and late-breaking news

• Personal My.Tupperware email account

• My Sales web application to enter your customer and business orders

• MORE Benefits information (details on MORE Benefits can be found in Section 7 of this Binder)

• Frequently-used business forms

• Tupperware University training materials and business growth tips

• Access to your upline (Manager, Distributor, etc.) team pages

My.Tupperware Plus
If you want to earn more from your Tupperware business by selling online, a paid My.Tupperware Plus account ($ 7.95 per month) gives you all the benefits of the Starter account plus the following:

• Personal My.Tupperware web site, your online store where customers can shop, open an "Online Party," or contact you to date a party. You can earn commission and sales credit toward all bonuses and awards from these online sales.

• Pre-formatted promotional e-mails, a banner manager, and web site features to market your web site and encourage visitors to shop or date a party.

• Online web office within your Plus account containing tools to help organize your business and maximize your communications capabilities with customers and team members.

• Manager-level Team Page to provide Managers with their own personalized web site for communicating with their team.

My.Tupperware Gold
If you really want to kick your online business into overdrive, then My.Tupperware Gold is for you. With a paid Gold account ($ 15.95 per month), you can enjoy all of the features available in the Starter and Plus accounts, including:

• An easy-to-use automated marketing toolbox to advertise your online business

• Automatic submission of your personal My.Tupperware web site to over 400 search engines

• Guaranteed placement of thousands of electronic banners advertising your web site

Your Consultant Identification Number
As soon as your recruiter has submitted your personal information and your application is approved, you will be assigned a unique 11-digit Consultant Identification (ID) Number. Your recruiter will communicate this number to you. If you do not know what your 11-digit ID number is, contact Customer Care.

Your ID number gives you direct access through your My.Tupperware account to My Sales. You may also need to provide your ID number at Tupperware-sponsored events to take advantage of special offers and incentives, and to identify yourself when you call Customer Care.

When you access My Sales for the first time, your password will be the last four digits of your Social Security Number. At that time, you'll be asked to establish a permanent password.

Activating Your Personal My.Tupperware Account
As soon as you have received your Consultant ID, you should activate your personal My.Tupperware account. You can take advantage of the My.Tupperware PLUS account free of charge for 30 days. If you don't provide any payment information, the account will automatically change to a My.Tupperware Starter account after 30 days.

To activate your personal account, just follow these steps:

1. Connect to the Internet and type http:// in the address or location bar of your browser, and press the Enter key.

2. Select your account type:

• Click the "Try It Free" button to get a 30-day free trial of My.Tupperware Plus


• Click on the "Sign up now!" button for the My.Tupperware Gold account.

3. You will be asked to select your account type, establish your User Name and permanent Password, and activate your account.

Accessing Your Personal My.Tupperware Account
Once you've activated your account for the first time, your log in process will be as follows:

1. Connect to the Internet and type http:// in the address or location bar of your browser and press the Enter key.

2. Enter the User Name and Password you chose when you activated your account.

3. Click the "Log In" button. When entering your site for the first time, you may be prompted to set some viewing preferences to ensure your experience with My.Tupperware is right for you.

Business Binder - My.Tupperware (2025)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 6044

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.